Susan Columbus
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Several months of attempts and reasoning have passed before we understand that to train to count cards at BlackJack there are two main methods and to avoid making you waste unnecessary time, as we did, we will immediately point them out to you too:
1) Hard Training To Prepare For Card Counting
Hard training is very demanding and must be done every day for a period of 15 to 3 months. If, within this period, you still cannot apply the Hi-Lo system, then it means that you are not prepared for mnemonic counting.
If you are alone, you must place yourself with a deck of cards on the table, shuffle and turn the cards one by one, and mark your overall score from scratch. The final result must be zero; otherwise, you will have made a mistake.
Repeat this process at least 2/3 times a day, every day, and as fast as possible. At the end of the maximum 3 months, you must take a minute to count the blackjack deck. The ideal would be to have something noisy or something that can distract you, making the counting as realistic as possible because many things will disturb you in casinos.
Warning: you must not move your mouth or have expressions of what you think, you must be as natural as possible.
However, this training is advisable to do it in 2 or more people to simulate as much as possible a game table.
2) Preparation Of Tables On Paper Ad Hoc To Score The Score. Simply, depending on the system you use, for example, the Hi-Lo system, you have to write on a sheet of paper the three columns with relative card counting, one for +1, one for 0, and one for -1. With a cross or other symbol, you have to write down the card in the right column. Each column starts from the top with the count; the important thing is that the table is aligned by the rows to understand the length of the column. In fact, after a few annotations, you will see on the fly which column has the most annotations, and you will understand if the score is high or low and, therefore, in what phase you are.
If you want to do the right calculation, you should use an excel sheet with the “count numbers” function to automatically balance the balance.
Is It Possible To Apply The Count In Casinos?
These are techniques with which you will have the chance to win at the gaming tables, but is it possible to use them in our day and the most modern casinos? In general, the answer is NO!
It is necessary to make some clarifications in this regard because before trying your hand at any technique, it is good that you have a clear understanding of the type of casino you will be dealing with; in this way, you will avoid spending resources on methodologies that may not be useful.
In the casino area, it is almost impossible to use them because to apply the card counting strategy in land-based casinos; you need 4 key figures, namely:
- The ” Back Spotter ” is the player who controls the progress of the games and counts the cards;
- The ” Spotter ” who is at a table of little importance, making minimum bets, and at the same time saying the bets to be made with the “Gorilla”;
- The ” Gorilla ” takes care of making big caliber bets by leaving the game table immediately after winning;
- the ” Big Player ” is the player who had the task of playing the biggest hands at the game table after listening to the teammates’ suggestions.
As you can see, this is a very cumbersome system to put into practice; in addition, nowadays, traditional casinos use all the systems available to prevent players in agreement with each other from being able to count the cards released and therefore take advantage of the game.